Life Coaching

Life Coaching with Brenda Mailer

Your pathway to lasting change begins here…

Your feelings of frustration, confusion, and disconnection are going to be a thing of the past.

Now is your opportunity to create a new relationship with yourself.

One that is connected, brings clarity, and actionable trust.

You will experience meaningful changes in your relationships, work, and life!

Does this sounds familiar?

  • You keep holding yourself back or standing in your way from the making change you want, and judging yourself for it.

  • You’re frustrated that you keep cycling through the same old patterns.

  • You’ve tried various paths, but you’re not seeing the traction and change you need.

  • You know there are “things” you need to deal with, but you’re afraid to look or don’t know what to do when you meet them.

  • You long to feel seen, heard and understood.

Then this will help…

  • You need intentional time and space to connect with yourself.

  • You need to be asked the questions your soul longs to answer.

  • You need a compassionate support to meet yourself in the ways that serve your healing and evolution.

  • You need a guide who can meet you where you are, with the tools to help you get to where you want to be.

The life coaching journey I invite you on is…
empowering, encouraging, and transformative.

What it looks like…

This is not a “cookie cutter” coaching program. Your needs are unique, and I honour that.

I meet you as you are and support you in navigating your life to help you get to where you want to be.

You stay committed to yourself by maintaining consistency in our work together.

You have full authority on the length of time we work together, with simple monthly commitments.

As you gain new self-awareness,
you will feel …
connected to yourself,
confident in your actions,
courageous in your life.

Learn more!

What previous clients have said…

Brian in Florida

“Brenda expertly listens, instinctively picking out the parts of true importance. Her feedback was incredibly helpful. She was patient, endlessly empathetic, and fully invested in my success. She was professional, but casual too, with a keen sense of humor. She helped me examine my perceptions and goals and formulate changes where helpful. I left our sessions with concrete actions to support my journey.

She helped me feel better.”

Bernice in Nova Scotia

Before I started working with Brenda, I knew I wanted to make some changes in my life, but was feeling stuck, unmotivated and not really sure how to get things going. She worked with me to address the roadblocks that kept derailing my progress for so long, and helped me to develop strategies that will help me in the future to get me back on track.

We often sabotage our own personal growth through negative self-talk just being hard on ourselves, and I think that one of Brenda’s strengths is the ability to bring that out in the open, and guide her clients in listening to, then challenging those negative thoughts in a compassionate and loving way.

April in Nova Scotia

In the past I didn't know how to get myself out of my own way, out of that funk, and I would let it spiral. With the knowledge I have gained from working with Brenda, I now know what steps to take when I find myself out of alignment! I am so thankful for the connection I have with Brenda as my life coach - for her vision, her love and understanding, the friendship we have developed and for all the confidence and strength she has helped me find within myself.

I highly recommend her."

Lisa in Nova Scotia

“Before contacting Brenda, I was feeling a little helpless. I felt I was spiralling and going through the motions, but not getting anywhere, not really understanding who I was and who I wanted to be, I was existing. Reaching out to Brenda was a turning point for me… providing me with the tools to guide me through the less desirable moments in life. Brenda made it so easy for me to be honest and open, not only with her, but with myself as well. There was never any judgement. She always seemed to know what questions to ask.

I feel empowered and that's an awesome feeling!”

John in Nova Scotia

“Brenda brought clarity and understanding to my thoughts and feelings where before there was only confusion. Her genuine engagement and caring allows one to feel confident to open up and feel vulnerable in her presence. Brenda helped me to navigate through several important decisions I was facing in my life, but she also helped me to understand who I was as a person down to my very core, and for that I am truly grateful. The insights I received  during our sessions continue to improve my overall well-being long after our sessions have ended. I would recommend Brenda to anyone who is looking to gain a deeper understanding and clarity in their lives."

Book your Free Discovery Session